Shopistry Admin is where you'll configure and launch your online store. Products, orders, customers, site design, and more - it's all here and ready for you to easily bring your store to life and start growing your business.
We recommend that you read through this guide to familiarize yourself with the features and capabilities of Shopistry Admin, and refer back when you need a refresher for how to manage your store. We've also created a video library with quick help videos for when you just need to see things in action.
We'll constantly update this guide and add new videos for new features and popular requests from the Shopistry Merchant Community.
Dashboard & Navigation
The Dashboard is your home screen, where you'll land after you login to Shopistry Admin, and gives you a quick overview of recent activity in your store. Refresh your browser to update the statistics.
Details are provided based on your sales channels and can also be viewed combined for all channels.
Top Metrics: Daily Revenue, Customers, Orders, Revenue
The top metrics give you a quick view of your performance across key areas of your business.
Sales: The gross amount for sales daily.
Orders: The number of orders from your online store in the past 30 days.
Average Value: The average order value in the past 30 days.
Sessions: The number of unique visitors who view your store in the past 30 days.
Recent Orders
This card gives an overview of the most recent orders, which may need to be fulfilled. Clicking each order will take you to the Order Details page where you can view details of the order including products, payment status, and fulfillment actions.
Top Selling Products
Identify and understand the trends in your product sales through a handy overview of top selling products. Click on individual products to get to the product details page which is useful for managing inventory.
Viewing Details by Channel
Shopistry allows you to setup different sales channels, making it easy to sell products in different countries and currencies. The top navigation bar is where you'll be able to select if you'd like to view dashboard details for each channel and also all combined channels. To switch the channel, click the tab next to your user name in the top right corner of the dashboard page.
If you select a specific channel and then navigate to the Products or Orders areas of Shopistry Admin, you will see products and orders specific to the channel you have selected. If you'd like to see all products and orders then select All in the channel selector.
Accessing Your Profile
View and Manage Your Account Information
You can access your profile and change the following information of your staff account:
First name
Last name
E-mail address
Phone Number
Change your password
Main Menu
The Main Menu, located in the Shopistry Admin side bar, is how you navigate to all areas of Shopistry Admin to manage your store. We'll dive into each of these areas separately based on capabilities.
Log out
To log out, go to your profile page by clicking your name or icon in the top bar. On your profile page you will see the logout button.
Channels & Multi-Currency
This page gives you an overview of Shopistry's multi-channel and multi-currency functionality, bringing ultimate control to businesses of all sizes, expanding your capabilities.
IMPORTANT: Depending on the country you are located in, Shopistry will create a channel and tailor it to that country. Every product you create will then be assigned to the channel for customers to shop.
By setting up different sales channels you can:
Create sales channels for each customer touchpoint (for example, you may only want certain products available to certain places or countries you sell)
Sell products specific to each country (show certain products to visitors from Canada vs. USA for example)
Set different prices by currency for each product
Set different currency by channel
How to Create a Channel
You can define and manage your sales channels for your store and create multiple channels with different currencies.
The first step is to click Settings in the Main Menu and then click Channels
On the Channel Listing Page, you can click the Add icon, which is the blue icon next to delete and search, to start creating a new channel or select a channel by clicking on it to update an existing channel.
Now you're ready to create (or update) your channel with the following information (all required):
Channel Name
This one is easy, give your channel a description name. Make sure it's something you'll recognize as it will be displayed when you select which products are available by channel when you're creating products.
How to Set a Default Channel
If you have more than one channel, you can now set a channel that your Shopistry store will automatically default to.
The first step is to click Settings in the Main Menu and then click Channels
In the Default category, click the SET icon on the desired channel. This will automatically set that channel to default.
If you have a physical store or other places where you're selling products (Google Merchant, Amazon, etc.) then you may want to setup a channel to support publishing product data to these external systems or sales channels.
Here are a few use cases:
Physical Store Product Catalog: You might use Shopistry as your main product catalog supporting not only your online store but also your physical store. If that's the case, you can setup a channel to publish the product catalog you've created in Shopistry to your physical store's inventory management system (once it's integrated using Shopistry APIs).
Publishing Products to Other Sales Channels (Google Merchant Center, Amazon, etc.): You can create a channel to use when integrating with these external channels and use that channel when connecting to these services. Your product data will then be published where it needs to go.
Set the currency for your channel. Shopistry currently supports Canadian Dollar and US Dollar but can be expanded based on the currencies supported by your payment provider.
You can setup a channel and leave it disabled for use later or enable a channel to start using it right away.
Save / Update
Once you're done, click the Save Save button and you'll created your channel (or Update if you're updating a channel!)
Your channel will now be used when creating Products.
Remove a Channel
You can remove a channel from the channel list view by selecting the box beside the channel you'd like to remove and then clicking the trash icon.
NOTE: Shopistry will give you a warning message before deleting a channel with products using that specific channel. This will ensure your unique products and channels are safe!
Products are what you're selling and customer can buy through your online store. There are two basic types of products:
Single Product: This is a product that doesn't have options. For example, a hat that only comes in one size.
Product with options: This is a product that has different options the customer can select. For example, a T-shirt that comes in different sizes and colors. To create this type of product you'll first set up Attributes and can then use attributes to create product options and variants.
A product is created by filling in the product details, media, product type, and if needed product attributes, options and variants.
Product Catalog
When you click Products in the main menu, you'll land on your product listing page representing your product catalog. This page contains a list of all your products with a picture for each (if set), the product name and type, inventory remaining for sale, information on its visibility on your site (if it is published or not), and the product's price.
Your product catalog contains your entire online inventory. You can create and view products, assign attributes and options to your products, and assign products to collections to make it easy for customer to discover and find products on your site, promote seasonal products, sales, or other needs.
Sorting by columns
You can also sort your product list by columns. To do that, click on the column header for Name, Type, Inventory, or Status column to sort the product list view.
Deleting products
To delete products, select the checkbox next to the products you would like to delete then click the red trash can icon next to Search. Be careful, once you delete a product it's gone!
Creating Products
To add products to your site, click on the create icon (next to delete and search), and to edit products you've created click the edit icon in the product row. You'll then be on the Product Detail Page and can begin adding details of your product.
Before filling your shop with products, you need to learn about the basic product concepts in Shopistry.
Product Type
Product Attributes
Product Options
Product Variants
Let's use an example of an online store that sells coffee and apparel. We'll describe how to setup you products in this order:
Create Product Types
Create Product Attributes
Create a Product that doesn't have options
Create a Product that has different options and product variants
Create Collections and Assign products to collections
Step 1: Product Types
Product Types in Shopistry align with tax codes in North America to ensure the appropriate tax is applied during checkout. You'll create product types for your store by clicking Products then Product Types in the main menu.
IMPORTANT: Create product types before you add your products as you will need to assign every product to a product type you've created.
We'll setup two Product Types:
For each we click save and the product type is now created and can be used when creating our products.
Step 2: Product Attributes
Think of product attributes as the different basic options that a customer can select for a product.
IMPORTANT: Once you create an attribute it can be used for any product in your store when adding product options and variants.
To create an attribute click on Products then Attributes from the main menu. Then click the create icon to get to the Attribute Details Page. You'll fill in the following details to create your attribute:
Title: What you want to call the attribute
Code: What the system will use to recognize the attribute. Advice: use the same as title but lowercase.
Attribute Values: These are the values displayed to the customer on your site's product pages
In our store we're going to be selling T-shirts and our T-shirts come in different colors and sizes. So we need to create an attribute for color and an attribute for size and give each values:
Color: black, blue, orange, red
Size: S, M, L, XL, XXL
Status: We need to set our attribute Status to "Published" so it can be used when creating products
Save: Click Save to create the attribute
We're done! We're now ready to use our attributes when setting up our products.
Step 3: Adding Products
Click the create icon (next to trash and search) in the Product List view to enter the Product Detail Page.
Product Name
Give your product a name, displayed on your site. Make sure that each product has a unique name so site users can find them easily and your administrators can easily manage your store. If you have five t-shirts, do not call them all ‘t-shirt’. Use more engaging and searchable names like black men’s t-shirt, sparkly unicorn girls’ t-shirt, red ladies t-shirt, sports t-shirt, etc.
Product Description
This is what describes your product to customers. Use text formatting to make your product descriptions clear and engaging. The eight basic functions are: bold type, italic type, sub-header, second sub-header, quote, bullet point list, numbered list, new text line, and add hyperlink.
Your product descriptions can be cool and fun, or just based on the facts. They represent the tone of your store. Be creative if you like, but be clear and make sure that you have all the information that a buyer needs.
IMPORTANT: Shopistry now has it’s own AI enhancer forcreating descriptions! If your description needs some spice, simply click onthe ‘Enhance with AI’ button on the top right. Shopistry’s AI will create aunique, specific, and professional description.
To add images for your product, click to open the Media library. You'll see all the images you've previously uploaded to your library and also the ability to add new images.
Click to select an image and then click the Select button.
The image you selected will now be added to your product.
Product Organization
Product Organization is where you assign the product type for your product, add the product to collections, and can add product tags. Every product needs to be assigned a product type. Collections and product tags are optional.
In our example, we'll use the Apparel product type and set the collections to Clothing and Best Sellers.
Product Options
If a product has different options for the customer to select, you can indicate this here. We'll first create a product without options and then a product with options and associated variants.
We'll leave the Product Options unchecked and revisit this in the Product Variants section below.
Every product needs to be assign at least one of the sales channels you previously created. When you assign a channel to a product the channel will inherit the currency and you can define separate pricing and sale pricing per channel, extending your store to support custom pricing per country!
Select the channel(s) that the product will be published and available for customers
Set the price for the product in this channel
Set the sale price per channel (Optional)
Your product will now have a custom price depending on the country they're visiting from!
Inventory must be set for your product to ensure your customers can buy available products and you can manage stock levels.
Search Engine Optimization
Increase traffic to your store by adding SEO-friendly descriptions for search engines. Write interesting, short content about each product, using keywords that people will use in web searches. Create a unique description for each product so search engines do not think it is duplicated content.
Step 4: Publishing Products
Once you have set up all your product details, you need to Save and then Publish you product to make it available.
Save Your product
Once you have input your minimum required product information, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to add it to your catalog.
Publish your product (Publish and Draft mode)
By default you product is not published. Set the status to Published if you'd like it live on your site. You can also set it to Draft if you would not like it available yet.
A product page will be automatically created on your site
Your product will be displayed on your site catalog page
Customers can buy your products!
We've completed setup of a simple product that doesn't have options or variants.
Next, we'll configure product options and variants.
Products with Options & Variants
When creating a new product, you can create a simple product without options or a product that has options. Once you select options you can manage the different product option combinations. These are called product variants.
Adding Product Options
You assign product options by first clicking the Product Options checkbox and then selecting the option values.
Under Options select the Attribute from the previously set up Attributes
Then select the values for the attribute that you would like to be available for the product
Once you make your choices, Shopistry automatically cross-matches selected values of attributes and creates appropriate product variants.
Managing Product Variants
Click the blue icon and you will be able to manage the details for each variant and add new variants. By default the first variant is selected. You can manage the details for each variant in your variants list:
Variant Selection Attributes: This is the product option combination for the variant
Details: Channel availability and the associated pricing per channel for the variant
Inventory: Total amount of inventory for the product
Media: You can upload specific images per product variant. This is useful for when you would like the product image on site's product detail page to change based on the options customers select. For example, you can upload a red t-shirt image that will display when customers select red as their product option.
Remember to click the Save button for any changes you make to take affect.
Adding Product Variants
You can add new product variants to your existing variants by clicking the blue icon in the variants list on the variant management page.
The attributes assigned to your product will now display and you can assign values and enter all details for your new product variant. Click the Save button when you're done to publish your variant.
Once saved, your new variant will now be listed in your product page variant table and you can edit if needed through the same steps as described above and then save changes. You can also delete variants from the Variants list on your product page.
If you sell a range of products they can be conveniently sorted by category. Assigning products to categories helps you to organize your shop and your customers to interact with a clear product structure navigation.
Unlike collections, which are optional, so you can either use them or not, the categories are required. Every product should belong to a category.
Subcategories break large groups down into smaller subsets that make it easier to manage stores and help customers find the right products.
How to add a product category
Adding a new product category is a two-step process:
Step 1: Click Create Category to set up a new product category
Enter the category name, description, and SEO-optimized information the same way as you would with an individual product.
When finished, click Save in the bottom right corner.
In the description tab, click the + button to open the CMS editor. You can edit your description by adding a heading, text, list and quote.
When you click the button with four dots on the right side of the description tab, you will be able to edit, move up, move down or delete a tuned part of the description.
Step 2: Add a category photo and a subcategory
At this stage your new category is already created. You can go back or click Cancel if you do not want to continue with additional setup at this point. You can always come back and finish it later.
Or you can continue and add a widescreen banner photo that will appear at the top of the screen when customers view the category.
At this stage, you can also add Subcategories and Products to your Category. This can be done in the bottom card which consist of two tabs of Subcategories and Products. Click on each tab to either add a subcategory or assign products.
When finished, click Save.
Edit categories
Once you have your categories set up, you can edit them at any time by clicking on a category from the list and changing information. When viewing a category, you have a card at the bottom of the page with tabs for viewing and editing products and subcategories.
Delete categories
To remove a category, select the category from the main list and click Delete in the footer of the category page.
Products are mandatorily assigned to categories. Deleting a category will also remove all products it contains. Only remove a category if you are sure that you also want to permanently delete all its products from your catalog.
How to add a subcategory
Click Create Subcategory in the top right corner of the Subcategories card.
Manage metadata in the category setup page
You can add private and public metadata for each category in the category setup page. Use the button Add Field to add a new metadata field.
Collections are a great way to increase sales and give your customers better experiences. Group products together to take advantage of seasonal events or link products that are regularly bought in pairs or groups.
Unlike the categories, creating collections is not required.
Collections can be easily published and unpublished by clicking on the switch in the Visibility card when viewing a specific collection
Featuring a collection will make it appear on the front page of your website
You can only feature one collection at a time. Turning the Feature on Homepage option on for one collection will automatically turn it off for all others
Create and edit a collection
You can add and edit collections in the same way as categories, with a cover photo and SEO content tailored to your collection.
To delete individual products, click on the trash can icon next to the product and confirm removal from the collection.
In the description tab, click the + button to open the rich text editor. You can edit your description by adding a heading, text, list and quote.
When you click the button with four dots on the right side of the description tab, you will be able to edit, move up, move down or delete a tuned part of the description.
How to manage availability
Click the MANAGE button in the right top corner of the availability card, and then assign a channel. You can select multiple channels.
Once the channel has been assigned, the next step is to choose if the collection appears or remains hidden in your store. You can set a publication date. It allows you to hold some of your collections unavailable to your customers until the publication date. They are not listed in your storefront.
Add products to existing collection
Once you have created a collection, you can easily add more products by choosing the Assign Products option from the collection overview and selecting products from the list. To find other products, type the name, attribute or product type into the search bar and the list will automatically refresh.
Add optional search engine preview content
Click Edit Website SEO to add a SEO title, slug and description. If you do not add unique SEO content, details will be taken from the General Information card.
Delete a collection
There are two ways to delete a collection:
Click the checkbox next to the collection name on the main list. Options to Publish, Unpublish, and Delete will appear above the list
Click on the collection name and enter the detailed information, then use the red Delete button in the footer
Removing a collection will not delete all products from the site; it only disables the grouping of selected products and deletes information about the collection.
Manage metadata in the collection setup page
You can add private and public metadata for each collection in the collection setup page. Use the button Add Field to add a new metadata field.
The Orders section shows you all orders placed through the system by customers. An order is created once a customer completes the checkout process.
Order List Page
The main page shows a list of all orders in the system, regardless of their status.
Sorting by columns
You can also sort your order list by columns. To do that, click on the column header for Order#, Payment Status, Order Status to sort by each column.
Deleting orders
To delete orders, select the checkbox next to the order you would like to delete then click the red trash can icon next to Search. Be careful, once you delete an order it's gone!
Order Details Page
Click on any order record from the list to get the full details. The order page contains cards indicating Order Details, Payment Summary, and Customer information.
Order Details & Information
The Order Details card displays the following information:
Products within the order
Payment method used during checkout
Payment status that validates payment was completed
Order Type: Delivery or Pick Up for fulfillment purposes
At the top of the Order Details card is the order status:
Unfulfilled: New orders are unfulfilled by default
Fulfilled: When all of the products in the order are fulfilled
Partial: When some of the products in an order have been fulfilled but not all products in the order
Refunded: When you have refunded an order
Invoice: Send the invoice to the customer by download or through email
Payment Summary
The Payment Summary card displays the subtotal, taxes, shipping, and total of the order. Based on your tax settings and type of order, an order may not include tax and shipping.
Customer Details
The Customer Details card displays the information of the customer that has placed the order. This is useful for customer support.
Order Fulfillment
To fulfill an order click the Fulfill Item button and you will get to the Order Fulfillment page where you can fulfill all items or certain items in an order.
You can also add the Tracking number, Tracking url and select the Shipping carrier used for shipped orders. These details are useful for customers to track their order shipment.
If you have partially fulfilled an order, the order status will now display as Partial and the product that has been fulfilled has the status Fulfilled.
A partial order indicates that some items in the order were fulfilled, but not all of them!
When you have fulfilled all items in an order, the total order status will be Fulfilled.
Order can be refunded by clicking the Refund button if there is an issue with the goods or customer service. You can now document the reason for the refund, to be noted for staff.
Shopistry now gives the option of automatically refunding the full amount, or manually refunding a certain amount. This is performed by simply clicking ‘Manual Amount’ and typing in the desired amount for refund.
The Customers area shows you all customers and users of your store. You can manage user here including viewing and editing details, useful for customer service and staff management.
Customer Listing page
On this page, you can view the details of all users who have provided you with their information when setting up an account or placing an order.
Click on an individual customer to get an overview of the general information, address, customer activity, and recent orders.
Customer Profile
A brief summary of the user details with the ability to edit if required.
Default Address
The default address of the customer. You can click to Manage user addresses and change the default address.
Order History
A list of orders the customer has placed through your online store. Click on an order to view the Order Detail page.
Managing Customers
Customer Addresses
Click Manage in the Default Address card to view, add, edit, or delete a customer address.
Use the Add New Address button if a customer asks the administrator to manually add an address.
Adding Customers
Click the blue icon on the Customer Listing page to add a new customer.
Click the Savebutton. Your new customer is now set up in the system and you are redirected to this customer’s overview page.
Deleting Customers
To delete a customer, select the checkbox next to the customer you would like to delete on the Customer Listing page then click the red trash can icon next to Search.
Users are also able to request their account to be deleted, from the storefront level, on their user profile settings. In such cases, a confirmation email is sent to the email address associated with the account.
GDPR Compliance
In compliance with GDPR laws in Europe, when deleting a customer the customer's profile, in other words, the customer's account instance.
All data used for the checkout process are left untouched. This is to keep track of financial transactions.
This solution satisfies the GDPR requirements. However, Shopistry does not bear responsibility for your compliance with legal protocols. Check the law in your local area and make sure that you comply with all data processing legislation.
Online Store (Site Builder and Visit Store)
The Online Store area of Shopistry is where you select and manage your store theme and pages, making your site unique!
Site Builder: Shopistry Site Buildermake it easy to quickly get your store up and running! You can use Site Builder for each page, headers and footers, cart customization, and branding without a hassle
Visit Store: When you are all done editing in the Site Builder to your liking, click on Visit Store to see your masterpiece!
Themes are pre-made pages with sections you can modify to fit your images, content and products.
Shopistry themes have been named based on suggested online experience but it doesn't mean they must be used for this type of store.
For example, if you sell shoes but like the way the Coffee theme is organized then you can use it as your starting point and change content to fit your online shoe store.
You can select a theme by clicking Online Store and then Themes from the main menu. Next to each theme are the Edit and Publish icons, and when you publish a theme you will see the Live tag next to your published theme.
Publish: When you click on the Publish button, the selected theme will be published as your online store
Preview: When you click the Preview button, you will get a sneak peak of how that theme will look
Customize: Add your own touch to Shopistry's themes by clicking Customize
IMPORTANT: The content within a theme doesn't change when you switch between themes, only the organization of the content you have added.
Your site has content pages you can change and automatic pages that are required for your store to function and customers to place orders.
Content pages are pages on your site where you can add sections that provide information, images, sales, and showcase products to customers. Every theme includes a home page by default. You can add more pages from the main menu under Online Store.
Adding a Page
Click on Site Builder in the main menu, then click Customize > Pages (Toggle) > Add Page icon (top left)
Give the page a title
Add SEO information (optional but recommended to help search engines)
Make the page a draft or publish it to make it live on your site
Click save!
Editing and Deleting a Page
If you would like to later Edit your page name, SEO information, or change the status then click the Edit icon on the Pages Listing page.
To delete a page, select the checkbox next to the page you would like to delete then click the red trash can icon next to Search. Be careful, once you delete a page it's gone!
Automatic Functional Pages
Functional pages are the pages on your site that are automatically included and required for your store to function properly and support customers: You don't need to add these pages and they are not designed in the Site Builder.
Product Catalog Page: Where all your products are listed for sale
Product Detail Pages: Every product has an automatically generated product page that displays details of your product
Cart: The Cart where customers view their purchases
Checkout: The ability for customers to enter details and place their order
Order Confirmation Page: A summary of the customer's order after they have placed their purchase
Customer Account Pages: The customer profile after a customer logs into your site. This is where they can see their account details and past orders.
Site Builder
Managing and editing you theme and content pages happens in the Site Builder, a visual page builder that makes it easy to craft the customer experience you need to make it easy for customer to discover, learn, and shop!
Managing Themes and Pages
Click on Online Store and then Themes from the main menu
You are able to see the Live Preview of your site from the Site Builder Page
Click on the Customize button for the theme you would like to manage
You'll now be in the Site Builder
Brand & Typography
When in The Site Builder, click on the drop down, then Brand & Typography. In here, you can manage the overall branding of your site:
Logo: Upload your site logo to be displayed in your menu and footer
Fav Icon: Upload your site icon to be displayed in the browser tab
Colors: Manage different colors used in functional pages on your site
Typography: Manage your site font, heading, and text sizes
Header & Footer
In the Header & Footer panel you can select and configure your site main menu and footer
Header Menu: This is where you configure the main menu of your site. You can select different included Menu Styles, manage main menu color, and create your menu items that customers can click to navigate your site.
Footer Menu: This is where you configure the footer of your site. Select different included main Menu Styles, manage your footer color, and create your footer links.
Custom Side Menu: This is where you can add code for more flexibility an options if you are into that kind of stuff! Use HTML and CSS to personalize your own header and footer code.
NOTE: Shopistry does not validate custom code. Be sure to check your code before publishing to make sure it won’t create any security vulnerabilities.
Sections is where the magic happens! Sections make up the content of your site pages. Themes come with pre-built pages and sections, and if you add a new page (using Pages) you can then add sections and content to pages here.
Managing & Adding Sections
In the Sections panel you will see the sections already on the page. You can then mange the details of the section to design what you need.
Sections provide information, feature products, and an easy way to bring your pages to life and sell promote your products and services.
You can add new sections to your pages using the Add Section button. This will open the Sections Library.
Click Add Section
Select the section you would like to add to your page. The section will be added as the last section on the page
Expand the drop down for the newly added section in the Sections panel
Configure the details of the section (images, text, etc.)
Click the Update button in the top right corner of the Page Builder
Section Order
To sort the sections on a page the way you would like them to appear, simply drag the sections to the order you would like in the Sections panel using the drag icon next to the trash can icon.
Deleting sections
To delete a section on a page, click the trash can icon next to the section. Be careful, once you delete a section and click Update it will no longer be on your page.
The Integrations area displays the integrated services included with Shopistry that extend your store and operations to drive sales and support.
Integrations Listing Page
Click on Integrations in the main menu to get to the Integrations listing page. Available integrations are listed in card form including Name, Type and Status. Click on the desired card to go to the integration's page.
Integration Detail Page
Clicking on a card will bring you to the Integration details page where you can view details of the provider and the data required to connect your account for the service.
Connecting an integration
Enter the details required for the service as provided by the service provider
Click Connect
Upon successful connection, you integration status will change to Enabled
The Settings area is where you will find store-wide settings and capabilities including your business information, staff, roles and permissions, setting shipping options customers will select at checkout, defining where you collect taxes, the channels and currencies your store will support, and connecting your custom domain.
Click Settings in the main menu to view all areas and then jump in to where you'd like to manage.
General Settings
General Settings contains information and brand images that are used throughout your online store. This is also where you can connect your custom domain.
Store Details is where you define the email address your customers use to contact you and also the email address that is used when sending automated emails to customers. Store Details also contains the phone number the company can be contacted by, as well as the location of the company.
Logo and Favicon are used for online store pages, your header, footer and also on pages where customers sign up or log into their account (Sign Up, Login, Reset Password).
Domain Details
Domain Details describes your auto-generated base domain and provides details on connecting your custom domain.
Notifications allows you to choose an email to send important information to customers with. You are able to send emails under a professional email such as for better brand recognition. This is done by using an email with a custom domain, that Shopistry shows you how to do!
Socials allows you to link all your business’ social media such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and more!
Staff, Roles, Shipping, Taxes, Domains
Explore the remaining areas in Settings using the tabs above for each section; Staff, Roles, Shipping, Taxes, Channels and Accounts
Shipping is where merchants can create shipping charges that are displayed during checkout. Merchants can set how much they would like to charge based on shipping locations, cart value, and provide customers and easy to understand list of options to select from when placing their order.
For example, you may want to provide Standard Shipping for $15, or Same Day Shipping for $25 or offer customers Free Shipping if they spend over $100! You have ultimate control and can ensure your costs are covered.
IMPORTANTBase your shipping rates on what your shipping carrier is charging you so you don't lose money. If you are being charged $8 to ship a package, then you might want to set your shipping rate to $10 to cover your costs and even make some money.
How to set Shipping Rates
You can define and manage your shipping rates based on channels, order value and location.
The first step is to click Settings in the Main Menu and then click Shipping
On the Shipping Listing Page, you can click the Add icon, which is the blue icon next to delete and search, to start creating a new channel or click the edit icon to update and existing channel.
Now you're ready to create (or update) your shipping rate with the following information (all required):
You can select whether you would like a Custom Shipping Rate or a Dynamic Shipping Rate.
Custom Shipping Rate: Custom shipping rates let you define rates based on order value and the customer's shipping address during checkout.
Dynamic Shipping Rate: Dynamic shipping rates are automatic carrier rates calculated during checkout. You can use the default rates provided or add an Easy post integration to use your carrier accounts and rates!
This is what your customer will see during checkout so make sure it is easy to understand.
Price Min / Price Max
This is the order value that defines if this shipping rate will be displayed to the customer during checkout. For example you can:
Regular Shipping: Create a shipping rate for orders below $100 (so $0-99.99)
Free Shipping: Create another shipping rate for orders above $100
This is the charge to customers and will be added to their order during checkout.
Country is important as it relates to your customer's shipping address. Make sure you have defined a shipping rate for all places where you will ship orders. You can have United States and then your Region set to All or you can define per state.
Local Delivery
Local Delivery can be used to map out delivery areas to make it easier on the business and the customer. This can ensure fast and reliable shipping, while still being efficient!
As a merchant, you might need to charge taxes on your sales, and then report and remit those taxes to your government. Although tax laws and regulations are complex and can change often, you can set up Shopistry to automatically handle most common sales tax calculations.
Shopistry uses many default sales tax rates, which are updated regularly. If you use the default rates, then you need to confirm that they are current and correct for your particular circumstances.
Shopistry doesn’t file or remit your sales taxes for you. You might need to register your business with your local or federal tax authority to handle your sales tax and when it’s time to file and pay your taxes.
You should always check with a local tax authority or a tax accountant to make sure that you charge your customers the correct sales tax rates, and to make sure you file and remit the taxes correctly.
Shopistry will automatically calculate taxes on online orders and display the tax charge to customers during checkout. Tax calculation is based on two values:
Customer's Address
Customer's order value
How to Set Taxes
The first step is to click Settings in the Main Menu and then click Taxes
On the Taxes Listing Page, you can click the Create icon, which is the blue icon next to delete to start creating a new tax need or click the edit icon to update and existing setting.
You can now select the Country and regions where you would like to calculate taxes at checkout based on the customer's address.
Once you're done click 'Save' and you've set your all set to calculate tax during online checkout!
Your online store has a default domain automatically created using your store name, this is called your base domain and you can find it in Settings > Storefront in the Domain Details section.
Your store is auto-created at your base domain and includes secure SSL (https). You can use this domain to run your online business however, typically you would like to use a custom domain.
For example:
Base Domain:
Custom Domain:
Connect a Custom Domain
Connecting your custom domain is simple. Simply follow the steps within the Domain Settings section. Shopistry will connect to your domain registrar and verify your connection, and once complete your store will be live at you custom domain.
Enter your custom domain and click 'Save'
Follow the steps to connect your domain
Click 'Connect' and your domain will be connected
That's it! Your store is now live at your custom domain.
This guide is subject to change and update as we continue to advance Shopistry applications and features.